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Health is “real” Wealth

I’m recovering from a lengthy and painful throat infection this new year. So I thought it would be apt to start 2018 with this topic. All of 2017 I took pride in never taking a single pill except a painkiller for a dental issue. I finally took some Ayurvedic pills for this infection after realising that this infection might be serious.


I obsessively talk a lot about money but all the money in the world means nothing if you don’t have the health enjoy it. Like I mentioned in the Early Retirement article, my wife & I do Health SIP in some simple ways : yoga, nutritious food, morning walks, swims etc. I used to cycle & play badminton a few years back and I would love to get back to both activities.


Personally my need for Health SIP comes from the fact that both my parents are diabetics and I can see how their quality of daily life is reduced in old age, so I’m obsessed with avoiding diabetes as much as I can through healthy living.  My mother tells me they used to call diabetes “the silent killer” because people would know someone had diabetes only after they died. On the surface the person who died would look healthy but diabetes was corroding organs inside.


Diabetes is an epidemic in India even among poor people.  I was shocked to learn that apart from poor diet and zero exercise, a major contributing factor is “stress” especially for men.  In the case of women, stress is known to cause hormonal changes leading to weight gain among other ill-effects.

If you want to avoid major health expenses in your old age then you need to start paying attention to your:

The conventional approach to retirement is to earn the maximum  and save the maximum because you never know how much you need… coz you might get diabetes and diabetes treatment is expensive etc etc. But we forget that eating out every day because we are at work, skipping exercise because we work long hours and not dealing with work stress means that it will all catch up as you get closer to old age and will be very expensive to treat not to mention your quality of life will be so poor you can’t even climb stairs easily or travel to visit your children etc. So the solution is to lead a balanced life.


We are trying a different approach inspired by moneymustache’s badass approach. We already see the oldies in our family and what kind of problems they face.

For example:


So our plan is to avoid atleast what we can see the oldies suffering from . And then prepare for some of the issues our generation is likely to get like

Here are some simple changes we’ve made to our diet, exercise and stress-management.




Starting now, I urge you to make small & simple changes to your diet, exercise and stress-levels. Trust me you’ll save a ton of money staying healthy.

Around me I see super-active and healthy 80-year olds and very-unhealthy and tired 60-year olds.  How old you “feel” is a matter of how healthy you are. Please start taking care of your health atleast now before it is too late.

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